


I was able to make this website from the work of Stefan Gössner [1]. Gössner made a webpage on their Github about styling websites to reflect the style in LaTeX. They also made the VSCode extension to turn Markdown into such webpages [2].

1. Introduction

The abstract of the webpage:

Now there is an easy way to have both, a possibly interactive, static web page containing math and a scientific print document for documentation and publication, each looking like a professional LaTeX document. All you need is the popular free, open source Visual Studio Code text editor with its lightweight extension Markdown+Math for managing LaTeX style and math syntax as well as using meanwhile ubiquitous Markdown language. The resulting HTML document already contains prerendered math formulas, so browsers won't have the burden of math rendering via scripting.

— Stefan Gössner [1]


[1] Web Publications — LaTeX Style

[2] Markdown+Math Visual Studio Code Extension